This tea is made of flowers, leaves, roots, and stems that are gentle, yet powerful. Formulated with the intention of unlocking internal healing with every sip. Plant medicines work beyond the physical response; sometimes, it's your spirit or emotions that need healing.

Tea Collections

Sleepy Time Tea

Sleepy Time Tea

This tea will set you on the right track for a for... 

Coffe Replacement

Coffe Replacement

Looking for a coffee alternative? This tea collection will take you over... 

Wellness Tea

Wellness Tea

Home remedies right at you fingertips. These teas will help you kick... 

  • Organic Ingredients

    We source indredients from a USDA Organic Certified company and specially make each and every tea blend.

  • Healing

    The teas are made with healing in mind. They hold ingredients that heal and restore the body over time for over all health & wellness

  • Great Flavors

    Our tea is formulated for healing and taste amazing. They will keep you reaching for more.

Company Founder

I got tired of going to the doctor’s office and leaving with no real answers. The medication I was given only numbed the pain and symptoms rather than addressing the real problem. I wanted to get in tune with my body and listen to what it was telling me. I began formulating tea to combat my symptoms and saw first-hand just how powerful natural herbs and remedies can be. I started Jasper Rose Tea to take control of my health and healing.